This mock-up artwork for our CD Digipack displays the basic framework for what we are trying to achieve. Concordant with our ideas for the pop promo, the colours, styling and images reflect a clear and easily distinguishable image for our band.
We have furthered the theme of bokeh lights that we're using in the pop promotion as well as the glow around the subjects (Kira and I). The typeface is easily readable and the size makes the text pop- particularly in the logo of the band name; GLITTERKNIGHT as I have applied a subtle golden glow around it.
Obviously, as this is just the bare bones of what we're trying to achieve with the artwork, there are many factors that need to be modified in order to create a (much) more professional looking graphic. Most importantly, the silhouetted figures are to be replaced with photographs of the band members so the consumer will easily recognise the band, promoting an easily identifiable star image and the artwork as a whole will be sharper. The typeface, though nice, does look like a student creation so we're looking into better typefaces that look more professional and easier on the eye, maybe making more use of the glow featured on the band logo (above).
This artwork was created in Photoshop using images from Flickr as a rough demonstration. In our final graphic, not only will we use our own images (for copyright reasons) but also, a full digi-pack design will be made including inside the Digipack and a design for the spine of the pack.
Overall though, I'm really happy with the direction we're taking the promotional material and with amendments, has a good amount of potential.
Artwork credit: Ben Halliday (Myself)
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