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Above is the promotional material for my group's band, GLITTERKNIGHT. The design is exactly, if not better, than what I envisioned when we started developing ideas for the Digipack and Print Advertisement and I'm thrilled with the finished product.
We've applied a lot of factors to these designs that we've learned along the way from the analysis of other band's promotional material such as a strong cohesive theme, building a star image, aesthetically positioned graphics and clear recognisable branding. We've used the same image of the band on both the CD Digipack and Print Advertisement so the two, with marketing in mind, are clearly linked and distinguishable to our audience. The size and positioning of the band on both digipack and print ad ensures this is the main focus to the audience and pushes the development of the star image we're trying to achieve. The costume styling for the cover strongly follows suit with the pop promotion for the lead song on the album entitled 'Lights' keeping consistent with the colour theme and the cultivation of star image, carefully directed towards our target audience (who have been defined earlier in the blog). Looking directly into the camera, the star image, similarly to other bands like us, detonates confidence and catches the eye of our potential audience.
As explained in a previous post, similar colours and graphics have been used to those in the video, again, strengthening the theme and directly referencing the visual elements (mise-en-scene) used in the Pop Promo - especially throughout the Digipack.
Aside from the album art, the remaining components of the Digipack is an really simplistic but concordant with the design concept as a whole. The graphics used on the insides make use of a reduced and simplified version of the cover's background that make text on the inner sleeve readable whilst keeping overall style in consideration. The back cover, contrastingly, features a much 'busier' version of the graphics on the front. The combination of the drop-shadow and outter glow on the track listing makes all text easily readable though which is the main priority; keeping everything practical. The typeface we've chosen to use throughout all promotional material is 'Futura' with a standard Photoshop outter glow blended into the colour of the white-golden text. 'Futura' was chosen as it fitted the criteria we stated in the treatment; we were looking for something really simplistic with a modern twist and easily distinguishable and readable for our audience. I think this typeface reflects these qualities really well and the styling (glow, colour) only compliment this.
Overall, I'm extremely happy with the result and as I mentioned, it exceeds my initial visualisation of the promotional material for GLITTERKNIGHT.
By Ben Halliday
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