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After critically looking at my ideas for the promotional material ideas I produced (which can be seen earlier in the blog), I wasn't happy with a few things so I decided to amend them to give us a better visual representation of what the final product could look like. I'm much happier with these and think something resembling the above would be really effective as they reflect what GLITTERKNIGHT is in terms of look and feel, is concordant with the music video and has the album cover and print ad are easily recognisable brand-wise to the consumer.
Firstly, and most visibily, I've changed the colour of my blazer. In my opinion, the grey against Kira's white white dress looked dull and and pulled the rest of the artwork down, making it look a bit dull. Now, the contrast between our outfits not only differentiates us but also makes the promotional material a bit bolder and brings out the colours in the background and text. Now, the colour scheme seems more thematic and is in line with the rest of the costumes we've used in the pop promo. It's just more visually appealing to the consumer now.
Secondly, the text on both, but most notably the magazine ad, is completely different. I felt as though the logos for 'GLITTERKNIGHT' and 'LIGHTS' looked very grainy; the colours and typography were just off. It didn't look very professional and wasn't visually appealing, nor did it represent the look and feel of the band very well. Now, the typography is plainer, but easily readable and the glow and wash of gold gives an accurately cohesive branding of the band. I've also added more information to the magazine ad. Now, a release date is featured and so is the record label logo. The fact that these were missing on the original ideas is a mystery; I don't know why I wouldn't include them on an advertisement for album! My mistake..!
Finally, the positioning of Kira and myself has changed on the album cover to the left hand side instead of the center of the cover. The angle that the photograph was taken and the position I was standing in at the time made the side look very flat and awkward. For some reason, Kira's hand look extremely large on that side too so these are against the side now. I think it looks so much better and more visually appealing to the consumer which is essentially the purpose of album covers and print ads- they need to work together and attract an audience.
I've also been playing around with colour in general with this final idea, intensifying some aspects and toning down others. Overall though, I'm extremely happy with this and think it would be in our interests to strongly consider a lot of aspects of this idea for our final finished promotional material.
If you want to view my original artwork and my comments on them (some of which still apply to the above ideas) then click here.

Post by Ben Halliday
Artwork revised by Kira Knight & Ben Halliday.
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