Lights is a song originally written by an artist named Ellie Goulding and appeared on the album also named Lights (2010). Produced by Richard Stannard, Lights is an electro/folk hybrid with a strong theme of fear, failure, insecurity and feeling continually dispirited. The verses express these feelings in lyrics such as; "I had a way then losing it all on my own/I had a heart then but the Queen has been overthrown." The chorus provides a lighter side to the song, almost a resolution. "You show the lights that stop me turn to stone/You shine it when I'm alone." This is basically means that these "lights" are safety and security being shown when you're feeling your most vulnerable, keeping you from 'turning to stone' and giving up. The song has extremely strong imagery.
Yet to be released as a single, we have little to go off but the song it's-self which gives us no reference of a visual interpretation. This is a positive thing because we'll be able to completely create a totally independant original interpretation ourselves and portray the song as we see fit; we already have some very strong ideas that are both conceptual and follow a narrative.
Kira and I are re-recording the song for our pop-promo using Apple's Logic Express Studio and making it our own. The song itsself is haunting yet up-beat with a prominently saddening, desperate quality which will be reflected in the video in terms of mise-en-scene and art direction.
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