When did you form your band? What inspired you to make music together?
Ben: We didn't really "form" GLITTERKNIGHT... We started recording a little over 2 years ago in my bedroom with garageband and a really bad microphone! Our inspiration was probably our similar taste and appreciation for a good melody and lyrics. It just went from there!
Kira: What brought us together was our broad interest in music and the fact we just got on really well! I think it was just natural for us to start recording and making music!
Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs? Do you think these topics will change over time?
B: At the moment, we're focusing on covers though we do write both separately and together. I don't think there's a theme to my songwriting, I just write whatever I'm thinking about at the time without worrying if it fits a topic or set of other songs.
K: I'm exactly the same, writing music about relationships, people, situations... there really isn't much of a theme! I think eventually, the songs we do decide to bring through and produce will have a loose subject but right now, we're just writing about what's important to us whether that's a breakup or social issues! It's a really broad thing for us.
What's your ultimate direction for your band? Are you seeking fame and fortune?
B: The ultimate direction... I'd have to say it's just being able to perform and for people to hear our music. Obviously the direction we're taking right now is writing our own material, having done covers for so long.
K: No! (laughs) We're doing it because it's fun and it's just something we want to do - fame and fortune would be an awful reason to get into music! It's our last priority (Though it would be nice)!
So, guys, what does your lead song Lights off the album mean to you?
B: Well Lights is a really fun song, it's a mix of genres with a good pace to it. Lyrically, the song is multifaceted with, with the melodies, is a really nice touch.
K: Exactly! The lyrics represent that feeling of not really being in control and loosing touch with life. The 'lights' represent the memories maybe, a person or... anything really that reminds you it's all okay really and that when you're feeling a bit alone, you just have to stop overthinking it and be yourself.
B: It's quite an empowering song - it means a lot to us. We love it.
Describe yourselves in 3 words- Go!
B: Creative, broad-minded and... quite individualistic really!
K: Ahh... I am... A diva! Ha.. No really, I'm very driven, fun-loving and don't take life too seriously. Too many words, sorry!
[Example interview/Questionnaire written by Ben Halliday (Myself)]
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