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Visually, you can get a good idea of the colours, costumes, locations and cinematography we're to use in order to express the band's/song's look and feel and cultivate a star image for GLITTERKNIGHT. In regard to the cinematography, this storyboard shows the range of shots we're hoping to use; a good amount of close-ups, mid-shots and side-angles. It's also really important that we feature some two shots to show unity in the band although separate shots in our instance are equally important to appeal to our audience, show our separate personalities within the band and develop some male gaze where Kira is concerned.
The costumes throughout the pop-promo will be extremely consistently within a colour scheme; blacks, whites and creams with the odd pop of red and metallics. As very little else will be of this colour scheme (especially against the golden lights in the studio shots), this will encourage the viewer to shift their attention almost solely on the band members which will create instant recognition brand-wise.
Storyboard Images created by: Ben Halliday